07229-246032,246033 | accjarud@gmail.com
Almost all the work related to college administration is done through e-governance. The college has its own dedicated website www.artscollegejarud.org which is fully functioning and carries all necessary information related to the institution.
The college administrative work is done through electronic communication process. For this, the college has tie-up with dotcom, the leading e-governance services provider franchise from Amravati region. It helps college get updated software and also help in maintenance of the college website. The college library too is automated with software like SARAL and NList.
The teaching staff also is well aware of the challenges that students come across in this modern world. To help students the teachers use medium of social media to communicate faster with the students. This helps them in remaining in connect with the students apart from regular lectures. The platforms like ZOOM, Youtube, GMeet are used by teachers whenever required to conduct lectures or to help students get information quickly.