07229-246032,246033 | accjarud@gmail.com
The institutional bodies work in accordance with the rules and regulations framed by the UGC, the stuatutory bodies of the SGB Amravati university and the GR's released by the state government from time to time. The administrative setup of the college follow the set rules. The implimentation of the policies, too, is done as per the set format. The appointments of teaching and non-teaching staff are done strictly as per the UGC norms. The academic calender of the university is implemented to the core in teaching and examination related works. All the appointments are done by following a fixed procedure of acquiring authentic permission from the state government and the university to which the college is affiliated, follwed by advertisement in the prominent newspapers in the area. The appointments, later, are done by a committee comprising representatives of the state government, the university and subject experts. Every staff member, teaching and non-teaching, are bound to follow the service rules and set procdedures in thier services as per the college code and notifications. They discharge their duties accordingly with dedication and involvement in every assigned task.